
Other solar projects.

Other projects…

Photovoltaic plant Liceo Pablo Neruda


Photovoltaic Plant at the Pablo Neruda High School in the Arica district, this includes sixty solar panels with a production capacity of 17 thousand watts (15 kW on grid photovoltaic plant and 2 kW off grid, the latter with a battery bank).

The project was carried out by the teachers and students of the high school’s technical career in electronics with the support of the University of Tarapacá, and will allow the injection of energy into the electricity grid, supplying the energy demand of the establishment, making the Pablo Neruda High School the Chile’s first energetically sustainable high school, under the Law 20,571 of renewable energies “Net Billing”.

Relevant information

  • Nominal power kW: 17
  • Prod. annual kW / h / year: 29,784
  • Reduction TON CO2eq / year: 21.1
  • Modality: On grid

Chacalluta Photovoltaic Plant – Airport


It corresponds to a fully automated plant that injects energy directly into the grid, 30 kilowatts at the time of greatest radiation, covering 60% of the demand of the
airport and close to 100% on weekends, improving the carbon footprint and energy efficiency of the air terminal.

Relevant information

  • Nominal power kW: 30
  • Prod. annual kW / h / year: 52,600
  • Reduction TON CO2eq / year: 37,2
  • Modality: On grid

CFT-UTA Educational Photovoltaic Plant


15 KW photovoltaic plant composed of 60 polycrystalline photovoltaic modules of 250Wp each, which trap solar energy to convert it into direct current electricity, which in turn is transformed by a three-phase Solar Max inverter, into alternating current.

It is this alternating current that can be used in the campus facilities, while it is daytime, and thanks to a bidirectional meter, the surpluses that are generated enter the distribution line pole into the network.

The project includes a sustainable energy security system with six high-efficiency LED luminaires and plugs in the event of a power outage.

Relevant information

  • Nominal power kW: 15
  • Prod. annual kW / h / year: 15,280
  • Reduction TON CO2eq / year: 37.2
  • Modality: On grid

Demonstration and interactive laboratory of solar thermal and photovoltaic energy applications – Campus Saucache


It is a laboratory for solar thermal and photovoltaic energy applications, financed by Ayllu Solar. Whose objective is to provide spaces so that both elementary, middle and university students as well as technical-professionals and the community in general can know, interact and learn the operation of different technologies that use solar energy, both in thermal and photovoltaic applications.

Solar Research and Training Platform: Solar Technologies for Water Treatment – Campus Velásquez


It is a platform of solar technologies for water treatment, financed by Ayllu Solar and has the purpose of providing training to undergraduate and technical-professional students, as well as postgraduate students who develop research and / or studies of integrated water treatment with solar applications and small and medium-scale technologies.

Mobile Laboratories

Mobile Solar Water Treatment Unit


The Mobile Solar Water Treatment Unit, TSA, is a vehicle (motorhome) adapted and implemented as a mobile laboratory for the Arica and Parinacota region, unique in the country.

The TSA Unit allows students, technicians / professionals and the general public to know and deepen concepts related to water quality, identification of equipment and methodologies, demonstration of processes and stages that involve Solar Water Treatment.

Mobile Photovoltaic Solar Mini-Central Unit


Mobile towing car with photovoltaic panels, called Mobile Photovoltaic Solar Minicentral Unit, financed by Ayllu Solar.

Its objective is to be a demonstrative tool for elementary and middle school students, undergraduate / postgraduate students, professionals / technicians and the community in general, focused on learning how to obtain electricity through solar energy and using the methodology of learning by doing in a dynamic and interactive way.